
Actively managing environmental issues is not only our responsibility as good corporate citizens but also an opportunity to create new sustainable revenue streams while reducing risk for our company and our customers.

To manage and reduce our impact on the environment, we strive to integrate environmental initiatives throughout our operations from R&D through supply chain and commercial practices. This includes focusing on sustainable chemistry in three key opportunity areas: reducing hazardous chemicals through green chemistry, reducing environmental impact with innovation and enabling the circular economy.

We understand that climate change poses a unique challenge for society and a collective effort is required to effectively mitigate and prepare for its impacts. MacDermid Graphics Solutions along with our parent company, Element Solutions, have a goal to reduce our combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions intensity by 25% per metric ton of production by 2030 from a 2020 base of 0.161 MT CO2e/MT. To learn more about our joint energy and emissions goals, click here or find out more.  

For the third year in a row, our parent company, Element Solutions was named on Newsweek’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies. We are very proud to be recognized for the emphasis we place on environmental sustainability and community engagement. Additionally, Ecovadis, a sustainability rating platform, has awarded Element Solutions a Silver Medal for sustainability performance. ESI ranked in the top 10% of all evaluated companies.